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What does go it alone mean? And are you really alone?


Two seasoned recruitment entrepreneurs explain why going it alone isn’t really a thing!

The end of furlough, a glut in candidates and a massive surge in vacancies means that recruitment is in the headlines once again - this time for the right reasons! The REC is reporting record vacancies fuelled by a major skills shortage, which is good news for high performing recruiters who tend to be well connected and have little black books to die for! But we’re not talking about that, we all know it’s a bull market. What we are talking about is using your talents, connections and skills by setting up your own agency going it alone.

David Bowman, MD at Velocity Recruitment, which he established in 2006, says “The terminology people use for starting your own business can be quite frightening to some people. Negative phrases like going it alone and setting up on your own etc. steer some very talented people away from making that step. When I set up my company in 2006 it was a no brainer. I was working for a medium sized recruitment firm, had all the right connections so took the obvious step – to increase my income significantly. Fifteen years on and I haven’t looked back”.

In those days it wasn’t as easy to set up a business as it is today, admits David. “There is so much support offered out there that star recruiters can get up and running in no time”.

Martin Tyrrell, a seasoned entrepreneur agrees. “Entrepreneurial spirit is inside many recruiters, and they know it. It’s an urge to be your own boss and stop dancing to someone else’s tune. What they need is the courage to stand up and be counted and understand that if it’s time to start earning big time and stop lining the pockets of other people, then now is as good a time as any”.

It’s the reason that Martin and David set up Accord Resourcing. “Let’s be real about it. If someone is unhappy working for someone else, then why not help them to make the transition to becoming a business owner?” says David.

Accord Resourcing will guide entrepreneurs on how to best set up the legal side of their business, and their turnkey solution to the back office means that recruiters can be up and running in seven days. That’s seven days to freedom.

And, as the Prime Minister sets out his plan to recover the economy, companies are also renewing their preferred supplier lists so it’s time to take advantage of the enthusiasm and high level of vacancies in the UK. The buoyancy in the market doesn’t appear to be sector-specific, so high-flyers in any sector would do well to turn their commission rates upside down. Imagine billing your client and knowing that up to 80% of that fee will be heading your way.

“If you’re good at recruitment, then now is the best time to start up on your own”, adds Martin “Anyone with the skillset to pair candidates with vacancies could be well on the way to boosting their income significantly”.

If you would like to find out more, in confidence and without commitment, then Martin is offering quick chats with recruiters looking to dip their toe into the entrepreneurial world.

M: 07771726474

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